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  1. Semipresidencialismo, ou sistema executivo dual, é um sistema de governo em que o presidente partilha o poder executivo com um primeiro-ministro e um conselho de ministros (gabinete), sendo os dois últimos responsáveis perante o poder legislativo do estado.

  2. Un sistema semipresidencial o régimen semiparlamentario es, en política, el sistema de gobierno en el que existe un presidente junto con un primer ministro y un gabinete, siendo estos dos últimos responsables ante el órgano legislativo de un Estado.

  3. Abstract. In contrast to the work on presidentialism and parliamentarism, semi-presidentialism remains very much the poor relation in the debate about regime types. This is true both in the sense that there is less work on semi-presidential regimes and also because of the fact that semi-presidentialism has few advocates.

    • Robert Elgie
    • 2004
  4. 14 mars 2019 · Te explicamos qué es el semipresidencialismo, cómo se clasifica y su estructura. Además, cuáles son sus características generales y ventajas. El semipresidencialismo es un modelo de gobierno democrático. ¿Qué es el semipresidencialismo? Se conoce como semipresidencialismo al otorgamiento de la jefatura del Estado a más de ...

    • Semipresidencialismo wikipedia1
    • Semipresidencialismo wikipedia2
    • Semipresidencialismo wikipedia3
    • Semipresidencialismo wikipedia4
    • Semipresidencialismo wikipedia5
  5. Pages. 67–85. Published: September 1999. Split View. Annotate. Cite. Permissions. Share. Abstract. The Constitution of the Fifth French Republic was adopted by referendum in September 1958, and this chapter explores the relationship between the president and the prime minister in that Fifth Republic.

  6. Explores the effect of semi-presidentialism on newly-democratising countries. In recent years semi-presidentialism - the situation where a constitution makes provision for both a directly elected president and a prime minister who is responsible to the legislature - has become the regime type of choice for many countries.

  7. 2 sep. 1999 · Article PDF Available. The Politics of Semi-Presidentialism. September 1999. DOI: 10.1093/0198293860.003.0001. Authors: Robert Elgie. Dublin City University. Citations (167) Abstract. This...