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  1. 中华人民共和国 是一個位於 东亚 的 社会主义国家 [1] ,首都为 北京市 [17] , 领土 東至 黑龙江省 抚远市 的 黑瞎子岛 中部,西达 新疆 克孜勒苏 境内的 帕米尔高原 ,南抵 海南省 三沙市 的 南海海域 ,北及 黑龙江省 大兴安岭地区 的 黑龙江 航道,国土面積約为960萬平方千米。 全国共划分為23個 省 [註 15] 、5個 自治區 、4個 直轄市 和2個 特別行政區 ,是世界上总面積第三或第四大的國家(仅陆地面积为世界第二) [註 16] [18] 。

  2. 中华人民共和国 是一个位于 东亚 的 社会主义国家 [1] ,首都为 北京市 [17] , 领土 东至 黑龙江省 抚远市 的 黑瞎子岛 中部,西达 新疆 克孜勒苏 境内的 帕米尔高原 ,南抵 海南省 三沙市 的 南海海域 ,北及 黑龙江省 大兴安岭地区 的 黑龙江 航道,国土面积 ...

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    China has one of the world's oldest civilizations and has the oldest continuous civilization. It has archaeological evidence over 5,000 years old. It also has one of the world's oldest writing systems (and the oldest in use today), and is viewed as the source of many major inventions.

    The People's Republic of China is the third- or fourth-largest country in the world after Russia, Canada, and (in some sources) the United States and the second-largest by land area. China has every kind of climate in the northern hemisphere except the polar climate. It is also the largest country without any land north of the Arctic Circle. China ...

    China is a one-party state wherein the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) holds ultimate power and authority over state and government and serves as the paramount leader. The current General Secretary is Xi Jinping, who took office on 15 November 2012 and was re-elected on 25 October 2017. The President is the titular head of s...

    The PRC Armed Forces, also known as the People's Liberation Army(PLA), is one of the most powerful armies in the world. Nowadays PRC is among the atomic powers in the world. It also has the largest standing army in the world of over 2 million soldiers on active duty.

    There are 56 recognized ethnic minority groups in China. Han_Chinese is the largest ethnic group in China. Mandarin Chineseis the main spoken language. China is the origin of Eastern martial arts, called Kung Fu or Wushu. China is also the home of the well-respected Spa Monastery and Wudang Mountains. Martial art started more for the purpose of sur...

    Trains are commonly used for moving from one place to another, mainly for long distances. Bullet trains are faster and more common in the cities. China has more high-speed trains than any other country in the world. Buses and air transportare also very common.

    Template:En icon Information, Links, History and more of China Archived 2009-11-15 at the Wayback Machine
    Template:En icon China Maps Archived 2013-05-12 at the Wayback Machine
    Media related to People's Republic of Chinaat Wikimedia Commons
  3. 中华人民共和国_百度百科. 收藏. 0. 中华人民共和国. 播报 上传视频. 人民民主专政的社会主义国家. 中华人民共和国(the People's Republic of China),简称“中国”,成立于1949年10月1日 [1] ,位于 亚洲 东部, 太平洋 西岸 [2] ,是 工人阶级 领导的、以 工农联盟 为基础的 人民民主专政 的 社会主义国家 [3] ,以 五星红旗 为国旗 [4] 、《 义勇军进行曲 》为国歌 [5] ,国徽中间是五星照耀下的天安门,周围是谷穗和齿轮 [6] [166] , 通用语言文字 是 普通话 和 规范汉字 [7] ,首都 北京 [8] ,是一个以 汉族 为主体、 56个民族 共同组成的统一的 多民族国家 。

  4. Military. Science and technology. Demographics. Culture. Festivals. Notes. References. Other websites. China ( simplified Chinese: 中国; traditional Chinese: 中國 Pinyin: Zhōngguó) is a cultural region, an ancient civilization, and a nation in East Asia. The official name is People's Republic of China or PRC .